Tag: consumers

  • Smoother Online Shopping

    Smoother Online Shopping

    As a small online business, it makes sense to ensure that what you are selling is very easy to access. This is especially important when offering something that is common. The purchasing process should be practical and aesthetically pleasing to your clients.

    Your online shopping cart software creates that important connection between you and your customers. It must therefore help you achieve three goals:

    -Deliver the best and most secure experience for your users;

    -Make it simple and desirable for them to complete transactions;

    Minimize common ecommerce hurdles (such as shopping cart abandonment).

    Customers expect consistency, reliability, and speed. Most users are now accustomed to the speeds facilitated by broadband Wi-Fi and omnipresent LTE mobile networks.

    Research indicates that 78 percent of ecommerce consumers completed a purchase on their mobile device in 2016.

    This percentage has probably increased since then. Therefore, delivering experiences that embrace mobile best practices has to be one of your primary concerns as you choose a solution.

    Some other salient things a good online shopping cart solution should pay attention to:

    TRUSTis obviously a huge part of establishing a valuable relationship. Your shopping cart software is an extension of your brand, and your buyers must trust it with their personal and financial information.

    As buyers avoid using direct credit card purchases (due to increasing fraud and data breaches) in favour of more secure methods. Your company must be prepared to offer new payment options.

    Customers appreciate the SECURITY and ease of mobile wallet payments, such as Apple Pay and Google Pay. This is because they can complete purchases using a single-use virtual credit card number.

    Give them the ability to use these alternative payments and if possible, do not exclude Cryptocurrency!

    It would also need to link up to your MARKETING and customer service platforms to provide a holistic customer experience.

    Naturally, you also want a system that tracks product sales and customer activity with as much detail as possible, and that can also sort transaction data across a multitude of categories.

    So, where does one get such software?

    Read more about how to get a good shopping cart software here.

  • Open Banking – too exposed?

    Open Banking – too exposed?

    As a human race, we are constantly striving for easier ways of doing things: simpler, faster, and more practical. Thanks to better tech, you can now interact with people globally and instantly with the click of a few buttons.

    Likewise, you can also physically move quickly due to advances in transportation technology. When it comes to the age-old practice of banking – the same is now happening.

    Provided you have the necessities, a passport, residential address and a mobile phone, you can now open a bank account within minutes. This is brought about by a Fintech offering better known as Open Banking.

    Open banking uses APIs that enable third-party developers to build applications and services around the financial institution.


    It is ultimately about giving you a better, secure, and flawless service experience. This comes with the opportunity to gain access to excellent financial products.

    Online security expert and Chairwoman of Zortrex, Susan Brown reflects on the advent of the new offering:

    “Just over a year ago when Open Banking came into the limelight for the Fintech world. CMA9 were effectively mandated to make their banking platform accessible for third party companies.”

    A comprehensive global report commissioned by Accenture emphatically highlighted growth and talking points about the emerging industry in 2017.

    MS Office package

    This is all wonderful, innovative, and promotes transparency within the financial services market. There is only one drawback:

    “Consumers really do not know what Open Banking means, there has been a lot published about the benefits that are to be had from Open Banking. At the same time, consumers have become very aware of the negative aspects around sharing their data.”

    Scourge of hacks & breaches

    Daily, you hear more and more about hacks, and data compromises. With the UK’s Lloyds Bank breach last year; the trust by its consumers to share their financial and personal information, some would say, is completely gone.

    In addition, you go onto a site to review products and before you know it, you are bombarded with adverts on the products that you have been looking at elsewhere. This has led some consumers to abandon shopping carts and refrain from using online retailers.

    If not adequately protected, the newly established Fintech system might suffer a similar data breaches.

    Visa and Mastercard for one, are among the established firms threatened by Open (Mobile) Banking. And so, they should be according to Brown.

    “As consumers knowledge grows about their data and the security around their financial data has not been secure as shown with the Marriott hack.”

    Naturally, new systems pose a huge threat for banks. They become the digital gateway channel connection to the financial sector. This eliminates the direct relationship between consumers and banks.

    This is not a bad thing as banks are overwhelmed and cannot always keep in touch with everyone.

    An added layer of protection

    The solution for failing global acceptance would be for a new Fintech company to gain the trust of its new customers. They would naturally also be able to chip away at the market share of other expensive financial institutions.

    What you as a consumer know and want is privacy and security. Currently, only banks can make this happen – but at a high cost.

    With a new digital tokenisation system like Zortrex vault, you can concurrently let your consumers reap the awards on their transactions.

    They can as a result, gain redeemable tokens for patronising your services. This can occur while both you and your partners offer them products globally.

    “Don’t be a gateway for the challenger banks be in control of your omni channel for your consumers,” Brown advises

    Read more about Zortrex’s solution to privacy here.

    This contains excerpts from Susan Brown about Open Banking initially published on her LinkedIn page.  




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